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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Types of Relationship That Won't Work

Love and Romance MySpace Comments and Graphics

1. You care about your partner more than he does about you.
2. Your partner cares more about you than you do about him.
3. You are in love with your partner's potential.
4. You are on a rescue mission.
5. You look up to your partner as a role model.
6. You are infatuated with your partner for external reasons.
7. You have partial compatibility.
8. You choose a partner in order to be rebellious.
9. You choose a partner as a reaction to your previous partner.
10. Your partner is unavailable.


surjit singh said...

What if The Almighty wants otherwise...
Welcome Reyah to my blog and sharing your wisdom.I admire your insights.
God bless.

Vayy said...

Thanks so much for visiting my site. =)

And number 3 is SO TRUE. If only we realized these things before we got our hearts all tangled up.

lina@happy family said...

Great advice, yes, you're right, we shouldn't force ourselves into bad relationship...

Ahsanul Karim said...

gr8 way to write. I love it

Anonymous said...

I don't know - after what I've been through in relationships, I think I could make one work where he's more into me than I'm into him ;)

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